Audits & Meetings Window - Tabs


As you selected the location before you clicked Add New, the Location field is automatically populated with the same location.

There are two mandatory fields: Audit/Meeting Type and Start (the date and time).

Audit/Meeting Type: Select from the list of types given, such as Staff Meeting, or add a new type.
Start: Type in the date and time the audit/meeting began, or click browse to display the calendar and select a date, and use the arrows to specify a time.
Finish: Type in the date and time the audit/meeting ceased, or click browse to display the calendar and select a date, and use the arrows to specify a time.

Tick this box if you do not want two entries to appear in the Audits & Meetings list (one showing start and one showing finish).

% Completed If this audit/meeting was not completed at the Finish date/time, indicate the percentage of completion.
Completed Once the audit/meeting has been 100% completed, enter the date and time this occurred.
Conducted By: This is the name of the person responsible for creating and performing the audit/meeting.
From: The company that the person conducting the audit/meeting is working for.
Time taken (hours): The amount of time that the audit/meeting has been scheduled to take.
Cost $: If there is a cost associated with this Audit or Meeting, enter this here.
Hourly Rate $: If a Cost has been entered, this will display Cost divided by Time taken, or you can add an Hourly Rate (with no Cost entered). Note that this will display a value only for those with the appropriate Security. For all other users this will display zero.
Total $: If an Hourly Rate has been entered, this will display the calculated Total.
Notes: Include any notes which may be pertinent to the audit/meeting.

Action Items

In this tab you can add Action Items, which are creating new tasks, recording phone messages or sending emails. See Using Actions for more information.


  1. Add in the details of any actions that arise from the Audit or Meeting, such as arranging a Manual Handling training session for staff. The top half of the Actions window is populated automatically with details of the audit/meeting.
  2. Complete the remaining fields, including the name of the person who is to coordinate the action. Add in the various dates as they occur, as well as the Duration once the action has been completed.
  3. If this action is linked to an Incident and/or a Hazard, click the drop-down arrows and select the associated entries from the lists displayed.

Documents & Images

In this tab you can add documents and images which are relevant to the current incident. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see Document Window.

User Defined Fields (UDFs)

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Audits & Meetings. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.


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